言語: 日本語
所在地: undefined
- 何も見つかりません
承認: デバイスのテーマを使う
ノックアウトフィットネス:ワンラウンドヘビーバッグボクシングワークアウト - パンチアップ!
1,365 100%
Welcome to your ultimate boxing workout challenge! In this video, I take you through a single, intense round of heavy bag kickboxing that will test your endurance, strength, and technique. Whether you're a seasoned fan' or just looking to mix up your fitness routine, this workout is designed to get your heart pumping and your fists flying.
Video Transcription
1. Solo el cuerpo.
2. Solo el cuerpo.
3. Solo el cuerpo.
4. Solo el cuerpo.
5. Solo el cuerpo.